OBIAJULU 10th July 2021

TRIBUTE FROM ANDREW OBIAJULU OKWUSIUNO ​​O! Mike, what a vacuum your demise has left! Mike and I started life at Umuolo, Olona, playing in the sands and at open spaces. He was about 6 months older than I. We loved one another and ensured not only that we met as often as possible but that we ate together on important feast days, both in my place and his place. We attended the same primary school- Ugba until 1950, when I left for Zaria in the North. He later proceeded to Asaba to pursue his education as a teacher. We did not meet again for many years, until we saw in Lagos while writing our ‘A levels Examination’. It was then he told me of his intention to join the Armed forces. I was taken aback knowing him to be a cool headed gentle person but from his explanation, he had made up his mind. Mike had a big strong heart. In our 80 years of very close friendship, I never saw him cry, except once. He had a guardian angel - his youngest daughter Awele. She was a pretty homely child who always sat by his side, so I nicknamed her his guardian angel and Mike referred to her as his grandchild. Somehow Awele fell ill and died, I looked at Mike’s red eyes and saw tears dropping. Mike was totally devoted to God and the church. He never missed the morning mass, come rain! Come shine! Active, sociable and generous, Mike was there for everybody. He visited at home or in hospital- anywhere. He was very enterprising, and tapping from Eternal values, achieved tremendous success both in his profession and in material concerns. That was a man! I remain grateful for our close association which gave me the privilege of talking with & praying for him two days before his transition. Adieu Mike! I believe we shall meet again in the assembly of the SACRED HEART!