Admin 7th July 2021

From Chekube Peter Okwechime POEM FOR DADDY When responsibility calls, daddy answers, Without hesitation or fear you always stepped in, No matter what anyone else thought You just saw a need that’s always clear, Farewell daddy. When confusion sets in and history gets distorted, When my curious mind seek to know the children of “’obaje’’ When my history teacher ask me of Biafra war, I smile home to daddy my encyclopedea Farewell historical Rabbi. ‘’Seek peace by all means, never underrate a women, Cowards bury heroes, neto exteriora indicato interiora secretae, Even in a hydra-headed bracket never stop praying’’ I will never forget your counsels, there made me better. Farewell counsellor, farewell teacher. Soldier of Christ, SALUTE. You came to the world, you saw, you conquered, The last man standing, you ended a generation, Yet you raised us a bigger generation. We miss you. Farewell my HERO OKWECHIME CHEKWUBE PETER.